Look at me, I'm posting something! 

Look at me, I'm posting something!

I just wanted to say that I feel weird. Thats it, thats all I wanted to say. So, of course, I'm going to say some other things. I really like Super Monkey Ball 2's soccer game... regardless of the flaws it has, it is just so insanely fun... I think I saw the funniest thing I have ever seen ever in a video game playing it... completely indescribable. HILARIOUS! I completely forgot what was so funny I was laughing so hard... Bob proceeded to throw the controller into my garbage can and shut off the game.
Ahhhhhh good times. I did some detective work that involved tracking down one person's AIM name. Two parties colluded in the discovery of this person's name, one unwitting and one witting. Witting? Anyway, I don't have anything clever to say or interesting to write, so I don't think I'm going to say anything more, so goodnight.
You know what? I'm going to tack this onto the end here. I have so many things in my mind that I don't want to say to anyone, so many thoughts that are just sitting there that I can't tell anyone about or won't tell anyone about, just because they will fuck things up. If we could always know the thoughts of others, would we have some separate mechanism of controlling our thoughts the way we have ways of controlling our words, because other people can hear those words? Would we have to censor our thoughts the way we censor our words? Would we lie in our thoughts the way we lie in our words? What if tommorrow, this war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth... dying for? You weren't expecting that. Or that. When we would think near another person, "Hey I really like you" and they would hear that, would they react the same in that world as they would hearing someone say "Hey I really like you" in this world? Would it carry the same weight? Is the idea of having two separate existances, thought and speech, a positive thing or a negative thing? Is having something others think is negative that you can't control hidden worse than having it being known to all? Is mental privacy detrimental to humans as a society? Does it create public predjudices when privately we may have reservations, simply because that is the crowd and we must follow the crowd or risk being separated from them, alienated by something you can't control? This idea was sparked by a private idea, one that I'm not going to say out loud for fear of rejection, a very plausible fear of rejection. I think that none of us should ever fear anything that is uncontrollable, as I feel all our thoughts are uncontrollable and they are created by genetics and the environment in which you grew up in.
I've just hit that writer's high again, and it feels really, really good.
I also want to say out of a rather hypocritical fear, that this post is not some unwritten declaration that I'm gay... I have this paranoia that it's going to be percieved that way, and I don't want people to have to have a thought in their minds that isn't true, because they wouldn't ask, due to those two planes of each of your existances, thought and speech.
On a lighter note, now that I've said that I'm not gay I'll probably 'discover' that I am when I'm 50 and I have 3 kids just for sheer irony.

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Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:50 am MST by Lakers Tickets

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